SEIXIDO de Evaristo

Product: Seixido de Evaristo
Vintage: Sept. 2017
Bottled:  May 2020
Vineyards: Salnes Valley Cambados
Age of the vineyard: 35 years
Vineyard driving: parrado
Type of soil: Granite
Fermentation: Stainless Steel
Malolactic: Partial
Breeding: 24 months on fine lees
Alcohol degree: 12.5% vol.
Total acidity: 5.2 g / l
Production: 3250 bottles


Our method of elaboration is artisanal and tradidcional, our wine has no additives, neither yeast nor clarification. Sulphite in low amounts.

The first selection is made in the vineyards, we only harvest the grapes that are at their optimum level of maturity. Once the grapes enter the cellar, we make a second quality control, to make sure that the grapes we use are in perfect condition.

The first step is to break the grape so that the grape is in contact with the skin of the grape for the next 16 hours. With this process, the maceration, we extract from the skins the aromas, the flavors and the color. Then the pressing will be carried out, and then the alcoholic fermentation will begin, which began spontaneously, once finished, will continue in contact with its lees, until bottling, approximately 18 months.

During this time, malolactic fermentation begins naturally, we partially perform the process in which malic acid is transformed into lactic acid, leaving our wine with less acidity, more body and volume in the mouth.

“O viño de Evaristo, de Cambados,
probablemente o branco feito con máis amor do mundo!”

Domingos Sampedro
Domingo SampedroSantiago de compostela

“El vino de Evaristo, es un producto de calidad que nace en el Valle del Salnes de una familia encantadora. Es un vino con una imagen impecable y un sabor muy elegante.”

Nacho Crespo
Nacho CrespoQuinta de San Amaro

El vino de Evaristo, es un Albariño tradicional,
con el sabor de los vinos que se hacian antes en Cambados.

Jose AragundeCAMBADOS